This is my first ever mounting.
I am a beginner and i just mounted this phal.mariae keiki a while ago and its seems to be doing fine.lol.
I removed this from my phal. Mariae mother plant(the one that has 5 keikis) this is the only basal keiki and the other 4 spike-keikis are still growing.this keiki has 3-4 inch roots so i mounted it.
Its mounted on a fern tree slab.i lightly mounted sphagnum moss first for a little support and then i mounted the keiki.after that,i mounted a thin layer of sphagnum moss again just to retain some moisture on the mount.i used a thin thread that doesnt seem to hurt the roots gently.i like the thread because it is invisible and the mounted orchid looks naturally inclined...
Could you help me? I think i am doing something wrong here....?
Thank you!
---------- Post added at 05:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:24 PM ----------
Oh my gosh. Im sorry i double submitted it.