Originally Posted by vjo
I would NOT cut any thing off of this plant! It is going through enough as it is right now. Take Brooks advice....Jean
I get how strongly you feel about this; such things must always be the call of the owner of the plant.....but the tips on the emerging roots do not look healthy at all. I doubt they can take in any nutrition. I shared what i have done and which worked, tho not with a plant beyond saving. In this case, I would cut the black roots tips off with a sterile blade and dust....along with what I delineated,
If there is a bacterial infection present, that could spread, or at the very least hold the plant back from making new growth of any kind. Re what the plant is "going thru), my take is, having to fend off some bacterial infection is the main burden. So, while the removing the bad parts (along with lower leaves, for the reason I shared),may sound draconian.....that's only brief.
For me, the goal would be to let the plant devote its future energy to producing healthy new roots and leaves.
Black tips on new roots....speak volumes.
As usual, my opinion...based on what I have done in such cases.
Whatever the OP decides to do, we shall know the result over the fullness of time! Will be fascinating!