cymbidium newbe, cymbidium problem 101
Ok so I am a Newbe. Now that's new to me. I have had a cymbidium for quit some time now, I recvied it as a bd gift it sat at my Mothers house for a yr. It did well that was until I moved from a beautiful Lush Valley to the desert. Not haveing any place to sit it I put it outside, where it burned in the shade I repoted it n moved it to a coverd patio. 'Here it sat no one ti see it no one to care for it, it was abandoned. The heat n I do not get along, so I spend most of my days in the A/C. Yesterday I Decided I was going outside only to find my cymbidium potted in Miracle grow moist your control so it wasn't getting air circulating round its roots. I bought some moss n orchid bark soak it n repoted. My man tryed his best to keep it alive which was fine but it was being water way to much. He spit it into 2 pots. Now I had 2 cymbidium that had all these dead dried out blubs. So I tore away all the dead bulbs n put them in 1 pot. Now I found this site. I was thinking maybe I just made a big oopps. Should I have put them together the looked the same snapped branches n blacken in some spots. Was it funders?