Can you tell me which need cool fall outside?
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Old 06-04-2014, 09:18 PM
mimigirl mimigirl is offline
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Can you tell me which need cool fall outside? Female
Default Can you tell me which need cool fall outside?

I am trying to make new name tags for my orchids with 'cheat sheet' info on them. I am finding conflicting info on which varieties need a cool snap to encourage blooming. Also, plastic pot, clay pot or basket pot? Here is what i have: max tenuifolia, miltonia, ceratostylis, dend unicum, aeranthes, encyclia cochleata, oncydium, brassovola (blc). I know this is a lot, but i only trust you guys since google gives differing answers and I know i cant be the only newbie who might need to know. Thanks in advance!
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Old 06-04-2014, 10:02 PM
Optimist Optimist is offline
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Can you tell me which need cool fall outside? Female

I know that oncidiums do, and dendrobiums. I know they all need to get less water while it is cool, but not so little to dehydrate them. I would need to get into the weather patterns of areas where non cold hardy orchids occur. For example, in India, 80% of the average rainfall occures between July and September. Orchid growth patterns are fueled by either monsoons or rainy seasons, and that has to do with the heat of the ocean or sea. Right now, they want lots of heat and water (some do not but that is another story, those we know best do). The best way to explain it is on the super clock, in that mankind in our present post industrial era way, has only been around for a scintillion of time, while orchids have done we at they've done for a few million years. Oh yes, we have done some modification to mke some more temparate zone qualified (so called intermediate) when it boils down to it, you have a dinosaur in your greenhouse, and she wants a dinosaur lifestyle. The closer you can get to Jurassic Park in your backyard or living room, the better. Understand weather patterns, you understand orchids.

So anyway, with weather patterns all orchids will have a summer and winter phase, even ever so slight. Simply that. The sea is warm at one side of the year and causes the monsoon that usually will occur in summer in the northern hemi, and winter in the southern. Then, the water starts to cool because the eliptical orbit of the earth (biology 101) the rains end, the dry season starts. When the dry season starts, you start watering less. In the case of dends they have a deciduous period, and need a hard dry rest and winter chilling.

My lame theory is that any orchid that gets root rot when it is cold because you were watering it when you should not have needs a dry or semi dry winter rest. The clue was the fact that I have killed dozens of phals and also, I have never killed a phal in the summer. They all die or become terminally ill in the winter. The combination of cool, dark, and water is deadly or a phal.

Orchids need maximum light, heat, water depending on separate maximums, in the growing season (often summer), and minimum in non growing season (winter in NA).

Right now, I am in New Mexico, the orchids are outside, and water 3 times per day. Temp to at was 101F. Humidity 18%. My orchids are growing like crazy. Why? Because this is as close as it gets to jurassic park. This morning, we got mosquitos. That dosent happen where you have less than 10 % humidity. I have created, or begun to create an environment in a little shaded space between two houses.

I have yapped a lot, but this really is amazing! Sorry if I've boared anyone! Cheers!
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Old 06-04-2014, 10:03 PM
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Can you tell me which need cool fall outside? Male

The unicum needs a dry rest, but not a cold one.
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Old 06-04-2014, 10:10 PM
Optimist Optimist is offline
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Can you tell me which need cool fall outside? Female

Pardon my thinking. I am a crazy thinker. I forget it a
Was a simple question. Lol.
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Old 06-04-2014, 10:42 PM
mimigirl mimigirl is offline
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Can you tell me which need cool fall outside? Female

Can you touch on which want clay, plastic or basket pots? I hate asking all of this, but i trust the answers i get here. I love this page and all you guys!
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Old 06-04-2014, 10:59 PM
Optimist Optimist is offline
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Can you tell me which need cool fall outside? Female
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Originally Posted by mimigirl View Post
Can you touch on which want clay, plastic or basket pots? I hate asking all of this, but i trust the answers i get here. I love this page and all you guys!
Clay. Yes, I hate that I cannot see through it. The clay orchid pots with four slits down the side are really awesome. I live in a very dry part of the USA so I would not attempt baskets. Baskes would be the optimum. They do not need to be baskets made for orchids.go to goodwill or salvation army. Get a strong looking seagrass or twig basket.

Plastic is my last choice. Sorry, to me it is like putting a five year old in pampers rather than potty train him or her, which I have seen being a teacher.

Do you know those outdoor planters filled with mats of coco husk fiber? They are too big, but if you find a wire basket like in the office supply aisle and line it with cocohusk. That is perfect. But then, you will have to water it more.

Last edited by Optimist; 06-04-2014 at 11:02 PM.. Reason: stupid small keybord on an android touch screen
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Old 06-04-2014, 11:20 PM
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Can you tell me which need cool fall outside? Male

Re: Clay vs Plastic vs Basket
There is no single answer, as it depends very much upon:
Conditions (temp & humidity) where you live.
How you like to care for your plants.
How much effort you want to put into your hobby.

In N'Awlins you have high humidity most of the year, and you can leave plants outside as long as nite temps stay above 50 or so.

Any plants that need a cool spell will probably do best in clay, as long as you water them enough. Evaporation will help kep roots cool.

Of the plants you mention, the only ones I might consider putting in baskets, would be the larger Cattleyas (BLCs). However, they do just fine in clay pots. I would think about baskets only if you are trying to grow an unusually large specimen.
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Old 06-04-2014, 11:34 PM
mimigirl mimigirl is offline
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Can you tell me which need cool fall outside? Female

I cannot put out anything in summer. We have large crunchy black grasshoppers on steroids from hell. As it cools down they disappear. I have no way to keep them off of the orchids so they live in a southern window that has 2 layers of heavier screen. It must be enough lite cause my catts bloom. This is all great info and now i can try! Thanks so much.
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Old 06-05-2014, 12:38 AM
Optimist Optimist is offline
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Can you tell me which need cool fall outside? Female

These large crunchy black grasshoppers from hell can chew through metal
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Old 06-05-2014, 10:19 AM
mimigirl mimigirl is offline
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Can you tell me which need cool fall outside? Female

Optimist what metal acreen? My patio is not closed in.
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blc, cool, info, lot, pot, fall

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