I read the title and then looked at the picture and went, "Oh, honey, you got a loooooong way to go!" lol
While your paph has flowered twice ( at least that's how many old spikes I can count) and one new fan is on the way, it has nothing to be divided off of it. lol
You want your paphs as big as possible and it may take many many years before you can consider dividing.
With bigger plant size comes more and better flower show each time it blooms.
Even when it does get quite big, you want to have at least 4 or more growths on each division.
Even then the division might sulk for a season or two like one of mine did.
Wait until your paph has about tripled in size, then if you want, divide in half.
Sometimes, dividing can cause growth spur.
I have one maudiae type hybrid that grows and blooms so well (at least twice a year blooming), but it will only grow one fan at a time even after having it for years.
I cut the whole thing in half. One half with an active growing end kept on growing fine.
The other half with no active growing end took over one year to get going again, but for the first time, it gave it two fans. Since then, two flowers each time instead of one.