Is there one Mtssia C M Fitch Izumi or two in this pot?
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Is there one Mtssia C M Fitch Izumi or two in this pot?
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Old 05-20-2014, 07:26 PM
wimbledee wimbledee is offline
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Is there one Mtssia C M Fitch Izumi or two in this pot?
Default Is there one Mtssia C M Fitch Izumi or two in this pot?

Hello everybody! My Miltassia Charles M. Fitch 'Izumi' is confusing me at the moment. When I first got this plant in the mail, it seemed a little wobbly in its pot. I did not repot immediately,(the weather was too cold and rainy for my taste) but I did notice that part of the plant did not wobble as much as the other. I haven't repotted because so far it has remained very healthy and happy, and it was sold to me as "freshly repotted", but now I feel like perhaps I should. I am noticing roots growing from the wobbly bit onto the non-wobbly bit, and I really feel like this might be two little plants in one pot rather than one "blooming size" orchid. None of my other oncidium intergenerics grow roots between two pbulbs like this and it just seems weird. Here is a picture, I hope you can see what I'm talking about. What do you think is going on?
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Is there one Mtssia C M Fitch Izumi or two in this pot?-wp_20140520_005-jpg  
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Old 05-21-2014, 11:35 AM
RosieC RosieC is offline
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I have ones that grow roots like that, and I know they are one plant because I had them when there were less bulbs.

It could be two, or it could just be that as the plant has got older part of it has started seperating from the other part. I have ones which when I repot they feel like they are about to fall in two (and sometimes I get accidental divisions when they do).

Often a bulb will grow from two sides, then new growths come from them, then as the oldest bulb falls away with age, the rhyzome connecting the two parts on either size of where the bulb used to be will also age and start to disintegrate... and you naturally end up with a division.

If you do keep both halves from separating then often new bulbs may fill the gap... however they don't reconnect, so still all that is holding the parts is an old bit of wobbly rhyzome.

I think it's impossible to tell unless you repot, and even then if it seems like two plants it might have been one originally
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bit, plant, pot, repotted, wobbly, izumi, fitch, mtssia

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