Originally Posted by SRL
This phal does have a terminal spike. This is a "just add ice" orchid I got as a gift. Don't worry I learned not to add ice, lol. It had blooms on the terminal spike when I got it. After blooming, the spike broke above that little leaf at the top when my cat knocked it down. Please see pics.The growth I'm talking about is growing off the terminal spike, but stuck in the leaf. I wish it would grow itself out of there. Any ideas on what I can do to help a keiki grow?
Sigh.....that is as I and a fellow member thought. I think you should just let the keiki sort itself out and it well might!
But, again, in my experience, the keikis may bear the same genetic anomaly which leads to terminal spikes. If yours is one, pls be prepared for that possibility while also remaining optimistic.
I love (and relate to) you care as much as you do, and so, are as focused as keenly as you are!
Edit: And, should you even remove what is growing from the crown altogether, the plant may well produce keikis at the base! Tho that feels a bit Draconian, right?
Again, I've only seen terminal spikes on semi albas---all three very healthy and with spectacular flowers in shape and number. I have a real weakness for semi albas, both Catts and Phals. Is yours a semi alba?
Edit! I just delved and below is link to a thread somewhere wherein someone does suggest this may be genetic! That was my absolute impression over time re my three events. Huge commercial breeders can be careless, sloppy and just plain greedy.
Different Phal