Orchid mix..with bugs??
Hello everyone. I am new at growing orchids. My boss left me hers and now I went crazy and bought some of my own. Being a newbie I watched videos and found this great forum. I went to home depot and purchased the Better Gro Orchid mix. I let it soak for a bit and then I potted my orchid. I was looking at my plant to day and in horror I saw little tiny white bugs crawling in and about the mulch. I freaked and thought my bosses plant had mealy bugs. Imagine my surprise when I look at the medium that I had in a bucket had the same little white bugs. The bugs are tiny almost looks like lice. Is this normal for this bark product? should I have sanitized it with Mealy bug spray? The tiny bugs did look like baby mealy bugs.
I now transferred all my orchids to moss.
any advice? do you guys sanitize your Medium before using it? Thank you in advance for your advice.