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Old 05-11-2014, 12:00 AM
Bribri Bribri is offline

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Paph &amp; Dendrobium Question Female
Default Paph & Dendrobium Question

I need some tips or tricks for 2 different types of orchids I have.

1) My dendrobium 'little green apples'
- Ordered online and have had it in my collection for 2 weeks
- Has 2 buds, they seem to be drying out (bud blast??)
- Facing east in my windowsill
- Watering every 10 days, I let the medium dry out completely. (My humidity is low so the medium dries out within 3-4 days)

Paph &amp; Dendrobium Question-2014-05-10-20-11-14-jpg

Question: Am I watering enough and is the drying of the buds, bud blast? Or is it possible for them to still bloom?
I've read and re-read info on dendrobiums but I feel like I'm missing something. Do I need more patience or is it a slow blooming/growing orchid in general?

2) Paph Hsingying red apple x shin yi heart
- Has been in my collection for almost 2 months
- No changes or growths
- North-east facing window with my phals
- I keep medium damp to almost dry

Paph &amp; Dendrobium Question-2014-05-10-21-53-21-jpg

Question: Again, do I need to keep patient or are my conditions not right for a paph?

I seem to be doing pretty good with my phals and oncidiums. They all have new growths and/or blooming. I feel stumped regardless how much I read or make changes to the environment.
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Old 05-11-2014, 01:46 AM
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Originally Posted by Bribri View Post
- Has 2 buds, they seem to be drying out (bud blast??)
Correct, it is bud blast.

Originally Posted by Bribri View Post
- Watering every 10 days, I let the medium dry out completely. (My humidity is low so the medium dries out within 3-4 days)
This is the problem right here.

The potting media dries out completely in 3 - 4 days, but the watering regimen is every 10 days. That's too many days in between that the orchid is grown dry.

If the potting media is going dry after 3 - 4 days, then I recommend watering the orchid every 3 - 4 days or 4 - 5 days.

Your Dendrobium is a hybrid within the section of Dendrobiums called Latouria.

The section name Latouria, is named after a person. In this context, the name "Latouria" doesn't have a hugely significant meaning other than this group of Dendrobiums were named in honor of a person named Latour. If you wanted to know what the name "Latour" means, you'd probably have to consult someone who's French to find out the origins of the name.

Dendrobiums in the section Latouria tend to like some humidity (60% - 80%).

They don't require a true winter rest. Instead, they need only a slight reduction in the amount of water they receive during the cooler months.

Moderately bright indirect light is appreciated.

Grow intermediate to warm (55 F - 95 F).

Many Dendrobium in the section Latouria originate from Papua New Guinea.

If you ever doubt what a grower is advising you with, just do a climatic search for Papua New Guinea, and you'll probably find what you're looking for.

Should you like more info, look up the heritage of the cross. Trace the orchid's genetic roots back to the species the hybrid was made out of, and research where they came from in the wild.

Originally Posted by Bribri View Post
Questions: Am I watering enough and is the drying of the buds, bud blast?
Question answered…please read above.

Originally Posted by Bribri View Post
Or is it possible for them to still bloom?
You're asking about this blooming season, I'm assuming.

If you are, then the answer is probably not. The damage is done, and the possibility of it pushing out other buds depends on the plant's willingness to do so after being subjected to some stress.

If you're asking about subsequent blooming seasons, then the answer would be - of course, (provided everything goes well and you are able to keep the plant alive)!

Originally Posted by Bribri View Post
I've read and re-read info on dendrobiums but I feel like I'm missing something.
That depends on:

a) What you've read so far.

b) What kind of Dendrobium is in question.

c) What is it that's bothering you? What is that hunch that's eating away at your conscience?

Originally Posted by Bribri View Post
Do I need more patience or is it a slow blooming/growing orchid in general?
When you're talking about Dendrobiums, in general, you're talking about roughly 1,200 species known to and/or named by science. Plus you gotta tack on several hundred hybrids both registered or unregistered.

That's a huge number of differences to account for.

It is better to not think about the genus Dendrobium as having a universal, all encompassing set of requirements for all Dendrobiums. You gotta break this genus down into smaller chunks. It is more advisable to think in terms of what each orchid within a section of Dendrobium will most likely have similar growing conditions as one another.

With that said, your Dendrobium is neither a fast nor a slow grower, it is somewhere in between.

Originally Posted by Bribri View Post
2) Paph Hsingying red apple x shin yi heart
- Has been in my collection for almost 2 months
- No changes or growths
Paphs can grow painfully slow at times. However, in your case, I'd check the roots just to make sure something bad hasn't happened.

Some Paphs have winter breaks, (they slow down growth drastically or stop growth completely during the cooler months).

Looking at the cross, they appear to have genetic origins from Paph species that were distributed all throughout Southeast Asia in countries such as Vietnam or Thailand, and were probably lithophytes growing on limestone cliffs in the wild.

I don't expect everybody to go out and get limestone rocks for their Paphs even after knowing about it, but suffice it to say, if you're going to continue using a Paph potting mix, the Paph you own may benefit from some added calcium, (the calcium source should ideally be able to dissolve in room temperature water easily). Then make sure you give the plant some magnesium to balance things out. I'd also ensure that the potting media drains as freely as possible, and doesn't stay soggy wet.

Originally Posted by Bribri View Post
- North-east facing window with my phals
Sounds fine.

Originally Posted by Bribri View Post
- I keep medium damp to almost dry
Let me get back to you on this one. Gotta give it some thought...

Originally Posted by Bribri View Post
Question: Again, do I need to keep patient...
Patience is a definite must with Paphs. Many are not expedient growers.

Originally Posted by Bribri View Post
...or are my conditions not right for a paph?
It might be the case.

You haven't mentioned temperatures yet.

Originally Posted by Bribri View Post
I seem to be doing pretty good with my phals and oncidiums. They all have new growths and/or blooming.
Comparing apples with oranges here.

I recommend just chillin' out a bit and just take the time to learn about your orchids. Things will come along eventually.

Originally Posted by Bribri View Post
I feel stumped regardless how much I read or make changes to the environment.
I really advise against fidgeting with the orchids too much, it can cause some serious set backs.

You'll find your answers. Be patient.

I may have some more questions in a bit…

Let me process...

Last edited by King_of_orchid_growing:); 05-11-2014 at 10:37 AM..
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Old 05-11-2014, 08:56 AM
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Paph &amp; Dendrobium Question Male

You are under watering the Paph. Drench, then let it go not quite dry, and drench again.
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Old 05-11-2014, 10:41 AM
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Originally Posted by Fairorchids View Post
You are under watering the Paph. Drench, then let it go not quite dry, and drench again.
Yeah, I'd have to agree.

During the warmer months, I have to water quite often.

Water can be reduced a bit during the cooler months.

Some of the places these Paphs come from can rain a lot during the rainy season. (Think monsoons.)

But again, that potting media's gotta drain really well.

Last edited by King_of_orchid_growing:); 05-11-2014 at 10:44 AM..
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Old 05-11-2014, 12:54 PM
Bribri Bribri is offline

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Paph &amp; Dendrobium Question Female

Wow!! Thank you so much Fairorchids and King. I googled dendrobium latouria culture and so much info popped up. I initially was looking for dendrobium 'little green apples' culture and didn't get any hits except redirection to vendors who sell it or to orchid forums with the phrase in it.

Originally Posted by Bribri View Post
I've read and re-read info on dendrobiums but I feel like I'm missing something.
That depends on:

a) What you've read so far.

b) What kind of Dendrobium is in question.

c) What is it that's bothering you? What is that hunch that's eating away at your conscience?
I have been using a care sheet from the vendor I had bought the plant from but it was very vague. I watch a lot of you tube videos and the dendrobiums
featured, they were giving winter rests with no water for months at a time and summer care with waterings of every 7-10 days. I assumed my dendrobium fell into this category. I was assuming all dendrobiums fell under that culture actually.

Watching the buds and the canes shrivel really frustrated me, you would wonder that the bells in my head would have said water the dang thing!

Temperatures right now indoors fall down to 15c at night and climb back up to 20-22c during the day.
I did the conversions from F and it seems to fall in the ranges (phew)

As for my paph, you mentioned adding calcium and magnseium, is there a product especially for paphs?
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Old 05-11-2014, 01:33 PM
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Can't think of specific products, particularly for Paphs.

However, I know that if you purchase some limestone, and mix it in to the mix you have now, it'll work just fine. Dolomite works too. Just make sure you're not getting gypsum. Gypsum's slightly different chemically.

---------- Post added at 10:33 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:19 AM ----------

Originally Posted by Bribri View Post
I have been using a care sheet from the vendor I had bought the plant from but it was very vague. I watch a lot of YouTube videos and the Dendrobiums
featured, they were giving winter rests with no water for months at a time and summer care with waterings of every 7-10 days. I assumed my dendrobium fell into this category. I was assuming all dendrobiums fell under that culture actually.
It's only true for Dendrobiums in certain sections. Most notably those in section Dendrobium and section Phalaenanthe, (the 2 sections of Dendrobiums that are popularly hybridized). Other sections of Dendrobiums that the winter rest applies to are Dendrobiums in section Dendrocoryne, section Calcarifera, and section Callista.

Dendrobiums in section Latouria are relatively recently popular in the hobby. Their hybridization has been occurring for about 10 years or so, compared to the 20 or 30 years or more for the Dendrobiums in the section Dendrobium and Phalaenanthe.

The other section of Dendrobium that is commonly hybridized, but is not often talked about nowadays are those in the section Spatulata (aka Antelope Dendrobiums).

The information on the winter rest thing does not apply to Dendrobiums in sections Latouria, Spatulata, and Formosae. They are treated differently during the winter.

Last edited by King_of_orchid_growing:); 05-11-2014 at 01:35 PM..
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Old 05-11-2014, 10:30 PM
Bribri Bribri is offline

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Paph &amp; Dendrobium Question Female

I can't thank you enough. These orchids were saved before anything horrendous happened. I've lost one rescue paph so far but I'm hoping to keep the R.I.P's down. I'll try searching for some limestone, I don't think it can be that difficult to obtain. I'll post an update if anything exciting happens
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