This is the first bud. There are about 6 more on the spike. It's a lovely white with pink in the center and a yellow lip with burgundy-ish dots.
The Golden Urchin also bloomed and it also put out another spike with buds which look like they will soon open.It is faintly fragrant.
The other 2 full size Phals are also in spike! Can't wait.
It has started to begin raining here again,dry season being just about over. The last two rains I have rolled their cart out from under the awning and they got a good soak.
But the ones with flowers I don't leave out all the way as I feel the rainfall sort of damages the flowers. Maybe it's just me,but they looked kind of droopy so....
The rain works miracles for them though.
I have developed a new love for Phals!