Originally Posted by iceicebaby
Aim is to have a guideline for new collectors to follow.

First of all, you asked what we covet. That is very different from what we started with or what we recommend for beginners. Most people acquire or receive a hybrid-most likely a NoID-as their beginner Phal. Its readily available at the garden center, supermarket, local florist. Mass market hybrids have their problems but you can always get another one.
It isn't that species Phals are more difficult, its that most beginners aren't aware of the diversity. They have to be hunted down, vendors sought. Ask us how long a time it took for us to acquire our first specie from our first Phal.
It appears to me that people think that they graduate to species, that the supermarket hybrid is some sort of benchmark.
As to what should be in a collection, its all personal preference. If you don't like it, despite it being on some list, you aren't going to appreciate it fully.