Oncidium with only 3 flowers on a tiny spike?
I bought my oncidium twinkle a few months ago (late fall, maybe?) and it was in spike..it had 4 gorgeous spikes filled with flowers ; nothing that unusual.
Now, it's grown two new pseudobulbs and is beggining to bud. It formed two tiny (1-2 inch) spikes, 3 flowers each, and they are starting to open..is this normal?
I found with the last bloom, the flowers would open, fade, and then other buds would open. But these spikes are only short, with no more apparent buds..
I give them good sun, and I'm assuming I water them enough..I repotted the plant while the spike was forming, careful not to disturb the growth. I found lots of new roots growing, and nothing bad. I haven't fertilized them, except the eggshells I use for calcium.