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Old 12-17-2007, 05:54 PM
jennifer232 jennifer232 is offline
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Exclamation Brand New Orchid Owner - HELP!

I've never owned an orchid before - and I have to admit, I'm not a natural green thumbed person. I received this orchid as a gift, and I'm unsure as to what variety I actually have. It bloomed beautifully for the 2 1/2 months I've had it, and then all of a sudden all the blooms died off (within a week or so) and the end has turned yellow and somewhat shrivled. The leaves have grown nicely and appear very healthy and good color. Did I kill my beautiful orchid, or is it just done flowering for now? Do I need to cut it back some? I'm scared I may do something wrong to it. Please help!
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Old 12-17-2007, 05:58 PM
Ross Ross is offline
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Welcome to the board. I'm sure you'll get lots og help treansitioning into orchid growing.

Is there any way you can give us a clue as to which type? Can you describe what the flowers looked like, what the leaves look like, etc.? If it was a typical Phalenopsis like 90% of the "big box" stores and Wal Mart, etc. sell, then what you observed may be typical. But before we give you advice, it would be helpful to see it. Can you link to a picture?

Once again, welcome.
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Old 12-17-2007, 06:22 PM
philoserenus philoserenus is offline
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hihi jen!
welcome aboard ^^
i would say, dont freak yourself out yet. show us a pic and let us see. like ross and you said, it could just be because its done flowering =)
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Old 12-17-2007, 08:50 PM
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justatypn justatypn is offline
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Aboard Jen, you have found the best orchid neighborhood on the web. So much information here. Your first orchid is always the one that gets you addicted Can't wait to see or hear what your orchid looks like so the right information can be given to you. Glad your here....
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Old 12-17-2007, 09:10 PM
jennifer232 jennifer232 is offline
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Thanks so much guys!  I uploaded 2 pictures I took today.  You should be able to view my Gallery to view?? Unfortunately I don't have pictures of it when it was blooming so beautifully.  The bloom picture is of what 'used to be'.  It had already fallen off, but hopefully will be able to give you something.  The other picture is of the plant itself (what's left). 
I really appreciate your quick responses.  Let me know what other info I can get for you.  It was purchased from a Kroger Grocery Store here in Ohio.
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Old 12-17-2007, 10:08 PM
Sara Sara is offline

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Hello Jennifer, and welcome to OB!
Your Phal looks healthy to me and is finished blooming for now.
Here is a care sheet from the American Orchid Society that should help you.
Good luck and hapy growing!

Last edited by Sara; 12-17-2007 at 10:11 PM.. Reason: typos
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Old 12-17-2007, 10:22 PM
quiltergal quiltergal is offline
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You have a Phalaeonopsis hybrid. It has finished blooming, so you can cut the spike to about 1/4" from the bottom. These guys are supposed to be easy but in my early experiences with orchids I killed them quiet easily. The most common mistake with Phals is overwatering. Since it is done blooming I would take the opportunity to repot it now. This will give you a chance to check out the roots and make sure everything looks healthy. Phals bought from big box and grocery stores are often potted in sphagnum moss which really holds too much water for a beginner. If it is in moss pick it all out. Check the roots for any that are brown and mushy (that's root rot). Cut those off with sterile scissors or knife, & dust the cut with cinnamon. Healthy roots are firm to the touch. If they are actively growing they will have bright green tips. Most folks use a standard fir bark mix or coco husk for medium. I prefer coco as it doesn't seem to break down as fast.

For general care they like indirect light, so an east, south (with sheers or blinds), or west window will work. Regular fertilizing and watering are a must. To make sure you don't overwater use a bamboo skewer and stick it into about the middle of the pot and leave it for a few minutes. Pull it out and if it looks damp or feels cool against your wrist wait another day to water.

From your picture your plant looks pretty healthy. Good job!

Welcome to OB! Keep us posted and .
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Old 12-18-2007, 10:00 PM
jennifer232 jennifer232 is offline
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Thank you Sara and Quiltergal! I'm so relieved. I read somewhere in my searches to cut the spike off between the first flower scar and the node?! That's basically where the 'arch' starts on my plant. You're saying to cut the spike at 1/4 from the bottom - so that's 1/4" above the leaves, right. Sorry for showing the beginner in me! I just wanted to make sure I do this right.
Again - This OB is awesome! There are many people that I work with that are interested in growing orchids now too! I'm definately pointing them all here to get info!
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Old 12-19-2007, 12:30 PM
quiltergal quiltergal is offline
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Jennifer you can cut the spike to just above the first node and sometimes the spike will bloom again. Generally the flowers on a secondary bloom aren't as large, and there aren't as many. I have done it both ways. My preferance is to cut the spike all the way back. This allows the plant a period where it can either rest or grow new leaves and roots which is good too. I think it helps make next seasons spike bigger and healthier too. JMO There really isn't a wrong way to do this. Keep in mind the nodes need to be green in order to get a second bloom. If they are brown and dry they won't do anything.
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Old 10-10-2009, 02:09 PM
mimigirl mimigirl is offline
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Jennifer, you should look at the other beginner thread and also read all of the advice to my questions to king-of-orchids. I printed all of his advice about phal. as he had hundreds of different orchids and now or once managed a large orchid nursery. check him out.
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