I've grown over 500 Phals in my time.
I think the Orchid Whisperer gave you perfect advice!
I will add though that the longer the keiki stays on the mother plant,
the stronger it will grow once separated and potted.
I've let them stay on the mother plant for up to a year.
Misting the keiki roots will help mother and daughter equally.
On average they will grow and bloom within 2 years after separation.
Or even 1 year or less faster if left on the mother plant to grow as long as possible.
Sometimes the keiki will even bloom while still attached to the mother plant if left there long enough.
Many times Phals will put out keikis if they are not able to bloom. Many times due to it's environmental temps.
Phals need a chilling period at night for 2-4 weeks at 55-60 degrees, and at least 10 to 15 degrees warmer during the day in order to initiate buds.
Spiking will usually start on a healthy plant within 2-3 weeks after chilling.
Good luck!
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