Did you cut the white roots? White roots are healthy roots, they just didn't get enough light to turn green, they're usually found in the center of the root mass.
I would actually like to see them sitting a little bit higher in the pot, not much, just a touch so that the leaves aren't quite touching the medium.
Pro-tip to remember for your next potting. When you switch to bark, new bark doesn't hold moisture well when you first start using it, so the night before I repot, I put a bunch of bark into a bowl and set it in the sink, then put my tea kettle on to boil and pour the boiling water straight onto the bark and let it sit overnight. It seems to hold the moisture a bit better that way.
There's nothing wrong with not soaking the bark, it will just mean you have to water more frequently. Not a big thing, I just prefer to have to water my phals once every 7-10 days. I like a low maintenance phal.