My mother came by to look at my collection of plants. She dropped off a dying lady slipper (some kind of paphidilium- not sure what it could be). She didn't have it in any kind of medium for a while, so I'm assuming it is dried out.
I now have it in a ziplock with moist moss ( i did breath into the bag) but I wasn't certain if I should have cut the roots? They are not mushy just really hard and brown. Is it okay to leave them on? I did remove the dried leaves.
Yes, leave the roots alone - they're the only thing that might save it.
My suggestion would be to pot it up in whatever your preferred medium is - not moss - it can be too suffocating - and invert a plastic bag over the plant, pot and all to simulate a greenhouse. Keep it warm and moist, and it should recover.
Paph. roots do tend to be more brown, firm and a bit fuzzy. They aren't the smooth white roots like many other orchids. So yours are likely alive. I agree with Ray.
I noticed brown mushy patches on both long leaves last night. I ended up trimming this off but the new leaf ended up going with them . The stem looks OK still has a couple of nodules at the bottom. Not to sure how it will do now. Will wait and see.
If what you say is true, then I'd recommend purchasing a new one and using a mix that allows more air flow to the roots, and also a potting medium that is not quite as acidic in pH as moss. Most Paph species naturally grow on limestone hills or limestone cliffs. Limestone has a basic pH (aka alkaline pH). A potting medium with a neutral pH or slightly acidic pH is ok.