I have found over time some of the roots may become slightly discolored from the bark media tha tI have planted them in. Granted this could be the media I have planted them in (only used one bark mix so far and it has brought me wonderful results). But also, please understand that the plant is constantly going through growth cycles (many of which you cannot see) and it constantly has to determine exactly how much growth/vegetation it can support. In other words, there is a very precise management of the "energy budget" within all plants. Your phal could be letting a root or two die because those roots may just be old and spent with all of the energy that they had (senescence). As you watch your phal grow and mature even more over the years, you will be able to see this process. Based upon your pictures, I would agree with the others and say to leave it alone and just observe it, if anything, to gain a better understanding of the particular growth patterns of that individual plant.