How much is too much?
Attention, that is. I am prone to bouts of rescuing Phals from the hospital where I work. When I get one, if it is in flower, I still depot it to have a look at the roots, clip the mush away, treat with listerine, and pot in a mix of coarse bark, coconut husk, foam, and a small bit of LECA. (I've come to prefer this mix for here in Scotland because it is far too easy to overwater here with our cool climate.
Anyhow, as has happened before, about a week after doing this on my latest rescue, I checked the pot and noticed that there are still some small places that I either missed, or that have continued to rot. Not a lot, just small bits. For now.
So what's my next move? The newbie newbie in me wants to rip the thing out of the medium again and get rid of everything bad pronto, but the slightly more patient newbie in me doesn't want to stress the plant too much, don't water too much, and wait.
Currently, it has only 1 wilted flower, and buds that have started to open in its new filtered SW position.
So my question is, what do you more experienced growers do when this happens? Do you deal with it ASAP, or wait and watch?
Last edited by Highland Fashionista; 03-23-2014 at 07:15 PM..