So I'm going to order some new orchids and see that a lot of people recommend Carter and Holmes. But they sell mostly small size plants, but the prices are pretty good. Most I'm looking at say flowering in 12-18 months and some 2-3 years. I don't mind waiting for blooms. I hate waiting for blooms on plants that are well beyond blooming size and they don't bloom for me! I am being more careful with the light requirements and going with the lower light ones so I don't need to worry about not having my old wonderful south window.
Right now I'm waiting to hear back from a window company about maybe making my bedroom window a bay so I could double the plants on it! But depending on cost it might not be a good thing to do right now. So I'm also looking into pricing lights to put on my wire shelving unit.
So I have a couple questions aside from plant size:
1- if I do shelves how far off of the plants should the lights be? The unit has four shelves and is about 5' tall. I'd rather not have to reach to the floor, so I may be stuck with only having 1 shelf for plants and one for the light.
2- the only place in the house that can fit it is near a heater. Now we may be getting rid of it, since for some reason it's on an inside wall, and isn't really needed. We will be going for radiant heat at some point, but that's like 5-10 years from now. But we may remove this heater (baseboard) this summer if we can find someone to do it. Also I could close the top down to prevent much heat from coming out of it. Now I know heaters are bad for plants, but in our last house every single plant had these heaters under them except the kitchen. In this house all of them have these heaters under the windows, again except the kitchen. None have every been bothered by it.
And again is it worth it to buy cheaper smaller plants and wait, maybe getting more like 5-6 plants, or getting only 2-3 tops and having them flowering size?
Are there any other online places you recommend? I looked through some from the feedback page, and the websites leave much to the imagination. Not being well versed in orchids, I'd prefer to see photos of them and maybe a little culture info without having to google every single plant. I like orchidweb, but I ordered from them three times, one plant about 3 weeks after getting it the eggs of scale must have hatched. Every few days I went to town on it, but I couldn't get rid of it, I kept the plant until it bloomed for me because the scent was just wonderful, but in those first 3 weeks I didn't quarantine it and it spread to three other orchids I had had for years without problems. Sadly all four had to get tossed. (no room for a true quarantine. Another was just horrible looking, leaved dried out and brown and it just started falling apart. The third came very dry and almost looked like it might die, after emailing them (they are very good with communication) they said it should perk up, which it did after a few weeks. The other lost half it's leaves, bloomed nicely, then when I went to repot it is was so rotted I had to cut off 1/2-3/4 of it's roots. It's doing slightly better now, but no new leaf growth and no spike this year. So while the other plants I got from them are in great shape, having 1/4 of them dead or not doing well I'm hesitant. I'm wondering if shipping larger plants is harder on them, that's why they don't do as well?? All my other plants come from local stores so I'm not sure? Is it easier on the plant to ship them small like C&H does?
I'd like to order today if possible. Sorry it's such short notice.