My only orchid bane is scale. I've become adept at carefully scratching them off the backs of delicate flower parts with a toothpick.
Anything that constantly gets spider mites goes out to the compost pile. They are a real pain to control.
But for those who hate all insects...don't come to my house! I have a garden spider living in one of my two vanity sink drains in the bathroom. I can't resist helping out a starving spider for the winter. I have someone to take care of any earwigs that invade the house.
Oh and I do have the occasional house frog during the winter, too. Invariably a Sierran Tree Frog
(the ones you hear in movies as background frog song) will make his way into the plant areas and stick around for the cold weather. They're cute but the tend to wander in the house at night.