Hello everyone, I was wondering if I could get a little help with this rescue phal. I rescued it from the hospital where I work, where it had been sitting very neglected for a long time. (Very dry, very temperature regulated environment with a SW window - not a lot of light..its winter) The roots appeared brown and splotchy, really dry, but they were still turgid. I was suspicious that they might soften and rot with first watering, and many of the internal ones did, so I had to do some pretty significant trimming and potted down. Many of the roots are outside the pot, and these still appear to be really dry and brittle, although they do still turn a dark green if I mist them. BAsically, the roots arent all that healthy.
Lo and behold, the plant appears to be giving e a new root now. Yay! Still have it in a westward window, with supplemental light for the days when natural light is just NOT happening (Ah, Scotland, you old jokester you...)
I try to mist the roots every morning to encourage uptake, but dont want to overdo it in this cool climate. Any helpful tips would be great....it is such a tall plant, I'm kind of unsure of where to go from here.