Bought a discount Phal yesterday. I have no idea what the media was made of. I guess it was some type of moss, but it was packed sooo tight. I had read on here about others who experienced this and the plant got root rot. Some had recommended if ever buying one of these to go ahead and repot immediately once home.
Well, I'm glad I remembered the recommendation. When I finally got it out (was really packed in there) and I had quite a few black roots. I've cut the totally rotten ones out, but now am wondering if I should cut off more.
Some of the roots are green but have black ends. Some are yellowish (maybe somewhat green) with black ends. Do I need to cut these? If so where do I cut?
Some of the roots are smushed together and then there are empty spaces. Should I try to untangle the one mass of roots and spread them out before planting?
I plan to repot in my miracle grow orchid mix (it's pretty large pieces of bark). Should I mix in a bit of moss?
How long is an orchid OK laying out of it's mix? With all of my other types of plants I always try to have the pot I'm going to put the plant into ready and place the plant directly into it. I've seen on here people talking about waiting a few days before repotting.
Any and all help will be appreciated.