Hi All,
This is my first post here, so will do my best to get all the info correct.
First off, I'm a newbie to orchids. Have loved them for years and have had them for years but only been able to get them to re-bloom a second time on tme same spike.
Two years ago I purchased Dtps Happy Cat "Hello Kitty" Phal from Van Dusen Gardens annual plant sale. I didn't write the dates down when it finished flowering but I purchased in April and it flowered for months with a second flowering on the same spike. I left the spike after that to see what it would do and it ended up producing a keiki. I left the keiki on the sike until it had 3 roots which were 4" long, and two nice 5" long leaves.
I have since repotted the mother phal into a new pot along with new potting meduim from repotme.com (moss, bark, cork, plus more all in the mix) and also cut the keiki off the spike and repotted it in the same pot at the mother phal to give it support. I did this Jan 15th so just over 1 month ago.
I have been watering just as the medium has almost dried out, and fertilize with each watering (ends up being about once per week).
The mother plant seems happy, it is putting out a new leaf which is 2 1/2" long and also a new root with is almost 2" long. The baby plant also seems happy, nice strong leaves, I haven't noticed any roots but I am assuming it is just getting settled.
Now... I noticed two days ago that the mother plant is yet again growing a keiki on the spike! I did'nt cut that spike all the way back when I cut off the first keiki. I thought I'd see what it did.
Is this normal for phals to keep growing keikis? Should I just let this one stay on momma since it seems happier with a keiki on it? I would love to get it to grow a new bloom spike but it has yet to do that.
I will also mention I moved the plant to a new room with lower temps over night, it is sitting in my bathroom window which is south east, it gets sun for several hours during the day and since the window has blinds I can control the sunlight when it is too hot/strong.
Any info you can provide would be great. I want to make sure I keep this phal happy!