These are the top two leaves and the lower part of the spike. The really yellow leaf is on the right and the one with the single spot is on the left in this photo. These don't appear damaged at all and the undersides of both do not show the same signs as the two leaves below them.
I repotted it the day before I took this photo. I wouldn't normally do this with the plant in bloom, but I was afraid that this was a big deal and there were 2 identical plants in the same pot. I wanted to make sure that the one survived if this was a problem. They were potted in red lava rock, but that isn't really compatible with my watering habits and growing conditions. Basically I repotted because of these leaves worrying me.
No more soft than the other more yellowed leaf. The leaf above the one with the spot pretty much rests on the lower leaf. I've kept them apart by some clever use of string.
I don't know what it is, sorry. If no one else can be more helpful, you can watch it, cut off if the area gets bigger, or cut it off now ...
That leaf does look like it may be on it's way out ...