Hi guys!
So two weeks ago I went to a NOS auction and bought 3 new orchids. One of them was a paphiolpedilum, and the plastic pot was broken by the auctioneer. I didn't want to change the pot while it's in flower (superstitious pigeon) but it's two weeks later, my orchid is looking adjusted and I think I should re-pot it because the split on the side isn't going to get any better and actually has gotten worse...which is keeping the medium pretty dry. It also gets very low natural light but doesn't appear to be ill effected. Early morning 3+ hours bright indirect light.
To make matters worse, my jealous kitten attacked the flower thinking it was some mysterious monster...

so I think maybe it'd be ok if I re-potted it, considering MiSOH already bit off it's ear.
Opinions on potting/re-potting new orchids in bloom?
I'm actually looking for opinions on types of pot, plastic, ceramic, terracotta--- I don't think I need to size up, just get a solid container.
I have a small 4" pot that I had a sedirea japonica in. It looks like a 'hot/humid' pot, with a high indented bottom and lots of drainage, solid on all sides.
I'm also open to opinions on keeping a willful jealous 20lb maine-coon kitten away from my plants...