Originally Posted by jasonmom
Thanks. Got the pot at Lowes. I just stuck the pot it came in into this one. Won't be repotted until all flowers have gone.
---------- Post added at 11:57 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:38 AM ----------
I got this at Walmart also. How long have you had your's? How many times has it bloomed? Does it bloom only once a year or what? Do you have any recommendations for a newbie?
I got mine on sale after Mothers day. It was still blooming but most of the blooms were gone. It did however have some that were not open so it did bloom for a while after, probably because when I got it home it got some water. They do not there.
I have not re-potted mine either was still trying to decide if it needed it when it started spiking again. I don't think it was much more than 2 weeks, crazy but it started with 2 spikes but one of them has just stopped and the other one has 3 smaller spikes off it. It looks just great, I think it is going to be a strong grower.
I am wondering if when these blooms are done if the other spike will start again. I have a mini that did the same thing and for what ever reason is once again starting to grow on the old spike and now the second one has started growing again.
Any way I just water it when the roots look gray and feed it every so often. I also give mine fish and seaweed fert and KLN maybe once every 2 months.
When it gets a couple open I will try and get a picture of it for you. One is opening now.