I have had 4 Cattleya seedlings for about a month now. Got them off Lowes clearance wrack. Ended up having very little in way of roots as I found out when repotting them. They look exactly the same as when I got them - which I'm thrilled about. Afraid I would kill them immediately after purchase.
Well, I figured that they would be on sale right now. Only local places to get them is Lowes, Walmart, and Kroger (grocery store). I went to all three places. I wanted to get one in early bloom. No luck.
Kroger had not dropped prices and even though they ended up having the prettiest, best looking roots, of all three places - all of them were well into bloom with few buds. They had three @ 1/2 off, but they were all past bloom and didn't look that great.
Lowes 1/2 off was the same, and although they had a few that still had some buds, they just didn't look good. The leaves were all wrinkled and not much in way of visible roots.
Final stop Walmart. They didn't have very many, and none had much in way of buds. Some had 1/2 off and some didn't - couldn't tell why some didn't. I looked them all over and over trying to decide if one of them had flowers that might continue to bloom for awhile. I found one that I LOVED the flowers on. White around the outside with a bright purple middle. It was one of the ones that was 50% off so it was only $5. I was thinking, well, maybe, maybe, but it won't probably bloom for long and it will probably be a year till I see another (but remember I'm thrilled that I've kept my Cattleyas alive over the last month). THEN - I saw a few buds under the four flowers

. THEN - I saw what I think is a new stem that is about 2"

. HECK YEA I am going to buy this
I am going to try to figure out how to post pictures so I can post pictures and get your opinions. I'm super excited.
Sorry I've babbled on, but I'm thrilled to have a orchid in bloom in my house - even if I did have to buy it that way

So when I got my Cattleyas I spent much time trying to learn how to take care of them. I will try to read up on the Phalaenopsis, but won't have much free time over the next few days. Is there anything specific I need to know right away to do different with the Phalaenopsis.
Am I right in that I should let the plant get no direct sunlight while in bloom?
Am I right in that I should not repot while in bloom?
Should I fertalize while in bloom?