Advice needed: Is there something wrong w my orchid?
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Advice needed: Is there something wrong w my orchid?
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Old 02-17-2014, 06:45 PM
violet212 violet212 is offline
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Advice needed: Is there something wrong w my orchid?
Default Advice needed: Is there something wrong w my orchid?


I received a phalaenopsis orchid from my boyfriend a week ago. It has three bloomed flowers and 11 buds.

I've never taken care of a plant before but I want to take care of it well as it’s very special to me. I watered it only today and it’s mostly been in my room (away from the window, not much light) for the week. I’m not sure if it’s anything to be alarmed about but I noticed a few things:
1) One leaf has a yellowish spot close to the tip, with yellow brownish marks on the side. The back of the leaf also has a brownish/reddish color on its upper portion.
2) One leaf on the base of the plant is turning yellow (it was like that when I got it – not sure if this is normal).
3) Another leaf has yellow spots on the tip and is limp (not sure if it’s because of the plastic wrapping it came in).
4) Another leaf seems deformed/wavy (not sure if this is because of its position)

I haven’t checked the roots that closely but saw through the translucent pot that:
5) Some roots seem like they’re starting to rot (I have two pics)
6) Another root seems to have completely dried out in the middle part, which was exposed to the air, but the other parts seem ok.

I've been going through lots of articles but can't really tell if it's root rot, too much sun, water, or too little... I hope I’m just being paranoid but any advice you can give will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you so much
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Old 02-17-2014, 07:08 PM
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Relax, you need not worry.
That is typical of store bought Phalaenopsis. They have been sitting on the shelf for weeks without proper watering. It is still getting accustomed to your environment. When you notice a new leaf or a new root growing then it is thriving and happy.
You have to remove the clear plastic pot from the porcelain cache pot to water it under the sink until drenched then let it drip before putting it back....or else you will rot the roots.... rot= stagnant water remains on the roots and bacteria infests it.
Water it only once a week or look at the roots if it is dehydrated and then water it. That is why you have a transparent plastic pot to check your roots from time to time.
The aerial roots (roots not under the pot) is dry and shriveled. You need to spray it every morning just to moisten it a bit.
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Old 02-17-2014, 11:24 PM
Optimist Optimist is offline
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Advice needed: Is there something wrong w my orchid? Female

The red and yelow on the leaves tell you that it is at the maximum level of light (or was, in the store) and that it got a little sun burnt. Orchid leaves often have little dings and scars. The yellow lower leaf is a natural leaf coming off.

Healthy leaf color in orchids is a light yellow green like a granny smith apple. A dark forrest green tells you the are not getting enough light. Red tips or spots tell you to move them slightly from the window. Since you have only had it a week, was it that way when you got it?
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Old 02-18-2014, 11:22 AM
violet212 violet212 is offline
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Advice needed: Is there something wrong w my orchid?

Thanks so much for your responses and advice!
I will keep the aerial roots hydrated

It's been kinda like this since I got it from the store, but I feel like the yellow spot on the tip and brown markings got slightly bigger. I'm tempted to check the roots more closely but I know it may do more harm than good... :S

One of the flowers actually bloomed today, though, so that makes me happy It's like opening a present again
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Old 02-18-2014, 02:53 PM
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The mere fact that the flower opened its blooms means you have enough humidity in your room , otherwise if it was dry= the bud would blast and means you plant have taken to your environment and will survive.....just follow the Phalaenopsis culture religiously and you will never go wrong....
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Old 02-21-2014, 08:03 PM
violet212 violet212 is offline
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Advice needed: Is there something wrong w my orchid?

Thanks so much! Another flower bloomed today!
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advice, it’s, i’m, leaf, yellow, orchid, wrong

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