So as I am going to grab orchid pot mix I look over and see a Phal with a bent spike in the "bucket" on the floor aka garbage.
I nearly had a heart attack. I saw the flower lady who was putting up orchids and asked her
" is that the garbage, can I have it for free" ?
No I cant do that, she exclaimed !
"can I have it for 1$ or 5$"?
My supervisor is not here , she is the only one who can price it.
"its going in the garbage and I want it !
sorry I have no choice she replied.
So I said fine , I went to purchase my items and left.
I got to my car and put my bag in and went back in.
I asked an associate if I could speak to a manager because I wanted to buy an orchid that was being thrown out.
So I went to the Orchid Lady again and told her I wouls speak to the store manager about the Orchid.
"You wouldnt want that orchid ,the spike is broken it wont do anything for you anymore".!!!!!!
I said its a PLANT !!! It will rebloom!!!
She called her manager after I said I would.wait.20 minutes for her to arrive.
Well and behold $9.98!!!! I said yes because I shouldnt have to be.thrown out !!!! If it wasnt for my 6th Anniversary yesterday.and me being in such a good mood I would have.given her and her manager a Piece.of my f.mind! Over pricing me a phal that they were throwing out. I will post pictures later

Thanks for reading