I want to share some information with you. I am not a guru but I have some "unwanted" experience that i am sure you probably would not like to have either.
Has anyone thought of/or did cut the dendrobium canes right back because they thought they were no longer any good?!
Please share with us if you have!
I've come to realise that it is not just a mistake, it is A HUGE mistake! If you want your dendrobiums to grow beautifully

See, when a new cane grows from the base of the cane you will begin to notice that the cane it is growing from is feeding it. You will see the older cane begin to slowly shrivel as your new cane gets fatter and fatter.
Do not fear that your dendrobium may become ugly because it's just the way they grow. There must always be a balance of lovely new canes and the older canes. It will still be healthy but, like people, they get old too. If they do not want to live then they will die on their own accord BUT only if you don't kill it first :P
Understand that each cane holds nutrients - you kill the source of nutrition and then you will have no nutrients at all.
I hope this helps someone not kill their dendrobium!