After my wife passed away last year I returned to the orchids which I had lost interest in over the last few years. To my surprise some of them have survived, and I've repotted almost all of them. The Cattleyas are thriving, to my great satisfaction, and the Dendrobiums at least haven't died yet and I think are going to grow well, though I don't think they'll be big enough to bloom this year.
My current problem is two small Vandas. Well, I'm pretty sure they're Vandas. If my memory is correct they started out as keikeis near the bottom of the stalk of a vanda my wife bought me. It never bloomed afterward, and I never found the right combination of sinlight, watering, and fertilizing. Gradually the leaves all fell off, but somehow these two little bellows survived. As nearly as I can recall they first appeared about three years ago, but they've never grown larger.
Several years ago I think I saw a Youtube clip showing a method for fixing monopodials in a basket, but I haven't been able to locate anything like that. Can anyone offer me guidance on how to proceed? I've heard that Vandas are a bit difficult. I thought I had more reference material (books) which discussed them, but now I don't find any detail about monopodials in general or Vandas in particular.
I'm thinking that if I don't contrary advice, I'll just go ahead and pot them the same as my Dendrobiums and Cattleyas, although the little comment I've found is that monopodials should be placed in "slatted baskets" with no potting material. Trouble is, I don't know what that means.