I have mainly BLC (I know it is a old classification, but ...), and I find these most grow year around, but under my conditions, they only bloom on every other growth. The ones that develop during the winter and spring months seem to generate either no sheaths or sheaths that won't make flowers. I think it could be mostly due to lack of enough light during this particular time of the year because the seller's description says they are supposed flower off every single lead.
The leads that develop after spring or early summer will make flowers in late summer or fall. They all bloom out of green sheath and there seem to be no reasting. lead develops, sheath appears, then buds follow shortly after.
Tucker, and others in the southern area, do you have opinions on this??
Only my mini catt (also BLC) flower on each new growth and this one flowers twice a year.
Then I have LC, which grows two to three leads during the year. It seems to grow throughout the year. Every single new lead makes sheath, but they all just sit there forever (staying green or slightly yellowish the whole time), then in the spring they all flower together.
At first the wait was pain, but I like the big explosion of all the flowers together.