My planifolia has had a growth rate of about one meter per month over the June 2012-September 2013. And it's about 2 meters more now (at least, I'll see in spring when I'll repot). Btw I love my new mix, and I'm still experimenting with cork and hemp.
If you don't have a correct fert to use, just use decaying stuff that may be easier to find. Or slow release fert are ok too.
I have 2 aphyl vanillas now (having 8 in all, more coming), aphylla and claviculata. Real aphyl vanillas have a line along the liana, a trick to deflate/inflate easily over the availability of water. If there's no little depressed line, it's not and aphyl but a stressed regular leaved vanilla.
I'm still working on my culture how-to, I'm late but still hope to issue it this year. I'm preparing a huge list of fragrant orchids and it's ruining my available free time…
On the cuts, I've never made attention to the angle, it just works. But I strongly back OCRC over the respect of the growth direction when planting a cutting. I've tried in a little experience (involuntary, the cut was unleafed there so I planted the head instead of the foot), well the cuts took and showed roots and new growths in 2 months, it took 2 months more to the reversed cutting. So plant them following the regular growth direction.