What got you hooked growing orchids?
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Old 12-26-2006, 03:53 PM
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As a child I lived in the Amazon rainforest in northeastern Peru until my mid-teens. I would sometimes wonder what those strange plants were, up in the trees, with their roots dangling out in the air.

One time an "orchid hunter" (or so my parents called him) from the U.S. arrived in our little jungle village. He was a friendly man, but when he left, he took one of the orchids growing in one of the trees in our front yard. We didn't discover the orchid missing until a day or two after his departure.

On one occasion, my family traveled from the jungle toward the Andes Mountains. We were going to the capital of Peru, Lima, for my parents to attend a conference of some kind. In the foothills of the Andes, where the jungle crept up the sides as high as conditions would allow, in one pass through which we drove, were waterfalls streaming down the steep hillsides and cascading over jutting rocks--hundreds of small waterfalls. The growth between and around the waterfalls was lush and green. But the thing that caught my eye and amazed me were the thousands of orchids in bloom, their brilliant white petals and richly colored throats of purple and gold standing out in sharp contrast to the greens and browns of the surrounding vegetation and growing up the mountainsides as far as the eye could see.

This sight (of orchids I later discovered were cattleya rex) made an indelible impression on me, and although I live in a semi-desert now in eastern New Mexico, I began to grow orchids because of that amazement I felt when seeing all those orchids so long ago in my youth.

Now I grow a few cattleya alliance, a few phals, and am trying to learn what paphs like. I seem to have a green thumb with carnivorous plants which I grow with my orchids. I love plants.
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Old 12-26-2006, 04:22 PM
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What a fantastic background! Thanks for sharing your story
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Old 12-26-2006, 08:02 PM
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Originally Posted by xscd
As a child I lived in the Amazon rainforest in northeastern Peru until my mid-teens. I would sometimes wonder what those strange plants were, up in the trees, with their roots dangling out in the air.
NO!!! Way!!!!!!!!!!

You have to! Have to!! Tell me about the Peruvain Amazon. We you near Iquitos?
"We must not look at goblin men,
We must not buy their fruits:
Who knows upon what soil they fed
Their hungry thirsty roots?"

Goblin Market
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Old 12-26-2006, 11:50 PM
20jlr 20jlr is offline

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Semi Hydroponics !!!!! I always loved orchids but would kill them. Now that I can grow and rebloom them I am Hooked for life!!!!!
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Old 12-27-2006, 09:21 AM
TerrynFlorida TerrynFlorida is offline

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What got you hooked growing orchids?
Default What got me started

was my older brother. I've loved plants ever since childhood and my small backyard has gone through many make-overs since I moved in 14 years ago. I was helping my brother clean up his large yard 4 years ago and he convinced me that I really should try my hand at orchids. He said I needed as many as it took to always have something in bloom, so I took that to heart! My yard is now pretty basic with the current make-over focusing on having the best set-up I can have manage for my orchids.
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Old 12-27-2006, 07:58 PM
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My wife Diane gotme hooked, about 4 years ago she buy me some Phalanopsis, 3 to be exact, since then I tried my luck for every single one I can afford. Like a lot of you I allready kill my share of them.
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Old 05-13-2007, 09:54 PM
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Default What got you hooked growing orchids?

I had started with roses. I enjoyed cutting the roses to give way. Then one day I was in the "Piggly Wiggly" grocery and I found what I now reocgnize as a floriferous white Phal. It sat in the kitchen for months! Thought this was a lot more bloom for the buck. I got another and one more... so, "Hi, my name is Lee and I'm addicted..."
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Old 05-13-2007, 10:52 PM
dave b dave b is offline
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The Ghost Orchid (Polyrrhiza lindenii).

I saw on show on PBS a few years ago about orchids. The ghost orchid was mentioned. i started researching and reading things on the web about it and orchids. I was fascinated by the epiphitic nature, bizarre pollinator attraction schemes, and of course the blooms. The rest was history.
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Old 05-13-2007, 11:25 PM
Dorothy Dorothy is offline
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Ah my trip down orchid lane :
.. well I have always had an affinity to orchids .. always fascinated with their shapes and colors. So much so, that when I was in Austrailia in the early 90s, I purchased a sterling silver charm of a Dendrobium Phalaenopsis .. the state flower of Queensland .. of course, I knew not what kind of chid it was at the time but have since identified it ...
I started with my first chid this year at a Garden and Flower Show and felt .. it's about time I get one! .. From there .. well .. as it's been said .. it's history! .. I am even more fascinated and more allured by them everyday I read a post or see a picture. They are addicting! ..
and just the sight and scent of them make me happy!
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Old 06-03-2007, 06:37 PM
puddin puddin is offline
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Default Nero Wolfe

I started growing orchids because of Nero Wolfe. It's a mystery series and he grows all of these orchids. It's based in the 50's, so growing wasn't as easy as it is now. I had also heard that they were hard to grow. I went into a grocery store, and the lady said they were easy. I did some research and started to buy. I've been growing them ever since. Still not as good as Nero Wolfe, though. That will take me years.
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