Dtps. Joy Green Bee doesn't bloom!!!
I got this Dtps. at Lowes two years ago, it was very limp and grayish. I re-potted it with large bark and it grew several keiki's. None of the orchids have ever done very well, its in a light where my Phals flourish. I live in a very dry climate and the orchid dries out completely before I water it which is 2 X a week and mist it then also. It has growth but its very slow and the original orchid has never bloomed, you can see the pathetic picture of them all. I seem to have luck with many different types of orchids blooming and this one has me stumped. I feed it full strength 2 X a month, there is air moving around the orchids also.
Anyone have any advice about this orchid? Should I be posting this in a different forum? Please help.