First off I don't know if I would consider myself a beginner, as far as general orchid care..But I would consider myself a beginner with dendrobiums especially in the callista group.
I have had a dend. aggregatum for a year now. I bought it mounted on some sort of plastic mesh with no other media. I kept it mounted for a couple months but in my home environment it was impossible to keep it watered as the plastic mesh held absolutely no moisture and I was afraid it would die if I did no re-pot. So I re-potted it in clay with medium orchid mix (charc,bark,perlite).
It has been in this pot now for about 9 months..and has done absolutely roots or growths (I've tried rooting hormones different fertilizers)..and it hasn't died... It leaves me mystified as to what I am supposed to do with it..
I am growing it in a east window with 2x 52w Ho T5 florescent lights as added light, 50% avg Humidity and at about 20c during the day and down to around 17-18c at night.(grows near my Cattleyas) It has the red pigment in the p-bulbs that my research has led me to believe is due to proper light conditions. I let it dry out a bit between watering just to make sure I don't rot the roots as it does not seem to want to grow new ones.
I am just at my wits end with this thing. Its like its in a permanent dormancy..Any ideas what I should do or what I am doing wrong?
PS..sorry this is long..thought I would give as much info as I could I've always wanted one of these..I would just like it to do something...

You cannot really see the red pigment on the p-bulbs in the picture but the all have a red tinge at least on the upper portion.