I'm guessing from overwatering, all the roots in my Phal were damaged so I had to cut them off. The plant was looking good though... now the leaves are leathery and I don't see any new root growth. I'm growing in S/H.
Any tips? How do I encourage new root growth? And please, how do I tend to this orchid in the meantime?
The probable reason that you have lost your roots is that there was no new root growth when It was re-potted into s/h If it was mine I would start regularly soaking it in root hormone (ex: KLN) It will very probably take a lot of TLC and a lot of patience Good luck!!!
The S/H method tend to kill the old roots but it will produce new roots to get accustomed to the media....if you are doing the proper method you will have new roots that will even get used immersed in water.
It is not overwatering if you follow the correct S/H method.
I suggest you follow the advice of nenella and try to recover your plant.