So i bought this new phal as some of you know as you said how lovely it was ( i am sorry) but I thought it would be a good time after a few days to repot it into a glass vase with a medium of a tiny bit of moss (mostly on the top) and large stones. It had no drainage but i would pour all the water out by putting it upside down, and the roots would not be in water much and stayed a bright plump green however the flowers started to fall off and the new buds turned yellow and suddenly im left with one flower and wilting leaves.!! Im so sorry i was so stupid.
Then after realizing i should re-pot it again (which i know would cause it more stress hence the yellowing) I put it in its original bark medium in a bigger pot. after about 4 days its leaves are still wilting a a bud looks okay but not very healthy with yellowing on lots of the stems.

It only cost me £9.95 ($16?)
and it is such a rare beauty so sad but i will learn from my mistakes
here is fact file
Leaves: Wilting and 2 have fallen off, and these look like they soon will, but arent yellow.
Flowers: None, however there is one bud that is not yellow and looks like it'll open soon but not that health.
Stems: The one with the bud is green and has some growh while the others have yellow bits and tiny growth.
Aerial Roots: Since i repottted i wasnt sure which roots where aerial so i made sure to cover all the roots nearly, however the roots on top are a little bit green but squidy to touch and not plump like they were.
Normal Roots: Bright green and plump.
Medium: Bark the orginal medium, i have pics i hope it is not too moist or under moist? Am i over watteirng or under wattering.
Positon: In a small room that has no draught, it is in very indirect sunlight on a high shelf. I have misted it daily on the roots and leaves but have layed of a spray orchid feed.
sorry i am an insult to orchid growing, i will learn, i promsie