These are the three Phals that I have potted, re-potted, mounted, de-mounted, barked, de-barked and finally have in baskets in some moss,not much.
I have given lots of light, dimmer light, and everything in between! All that's left to do is set them on my head and walk around with them to see where they like it. Currently they are in bright shade and are staying there.
The biggest and floppiest one, in all fairness was one of those artificially tinted ones I was gifted. It had been tinted bluish lilac, but will bloom white. The person that bought it thought it was a natural beautiful lilac, and it was, but I think the dyeing messed with the roots.
This one is the slowest to grow anything, leaves or roots but it is sloooowly coming along. Because the leaves it came with are large and dangle over the basket, but don't have much turgidity. One is turning yellow from age I suspect, and I feel like cutting them all off except for the new ones, which seem to be growing normal. Can I do that? Would look so much better!
The other two are not so floppy and have developed more roots under the basket.
Notice also that the water is leaving white stain on all of them. I water almost daily except if they feel wet then I don't. I usually wait till they are dryish. I use plain tap water. Hose, soft spray.
I swear when and if they ever spike, I'm making a party!!!
Well, I can't seem to upload photos. I'm getting a message that a "security token was missing"
So I will try again later to upload. Thanks for any help. It's greatly appreciated!