I just wanted to thank you for your post. I recognized so much in it, and it feels great not to be the only one over-doing everything.

I have Phals pretty much down to pat (still runt into trouble with them of course, otherwise I wouldn't be me), but I'm still learning to care for Paphs.
So far, I've murdered a couple of them, and at least three more are dying (I know why they're dying though, and I've learned my lesson - one of many...). I wish I could learn without killing them though, but that seems impossible for me.
I also check my orchids every day, since they are all in different sized pots, they have different needs (some LOVE to be watered often, others will award me with yellowing leaves if I dare to give them a drop too much), and the temperatures and humidity also affect whether or not they want water.
I have about 80 orchids (Paphs and Phals with a lone Dendrobium, a Neofinetia, and two Phrags thrown into the mix) and it's a lot of work with them, but if I care for them daily, it means I wont have 60 to water in one go.
Again, great post and thank you for an entertaining read!