Skewer method - why are my skewers moldy?
Hey everyone.
I have 4 Phals right now, 3 potted in CHC or bark mixes, 1 is still in spagh moss. I was having a hard time telling when each one was needing to be watered. I inserted a bamboo skewer into the medium of each one, at the recommendation of a user here.
I asked if I should be keeping the skewers in the medium all the time, or inserting them an hour or two before checking to see how moist the skewer is when it comes out. I was told I could keep them in the medium all the time.
My problem: I went to check them all today, and all but 1 of the skewers had little bits of mold growing on it (ew!) This worries me, and makes me wonder what I'm doing wrong or what this means. Definitely doesn't seem like having mold growing on a stick in my orchid pots is going to be doing my plants any favors.
Has this happened to anyone else? Would it better to NOT keep the skewers in all the time? Should I be using a new skewer each time? Not sure what I should do!