That one wilted bloom in the back seems pretty normal to me. The one in the front hasn't finished opening yet.
I'm not a mister. Some people like to mist, I don't mist potted plants.
Misting just isn't my thing. I use a humidifier to handle all of my
misting needs.
This phal should be placed near an east facing window where it will get around 10 to 12 hours of filtered sunlight per day.
I would water it once every 7 to 10 days, when the pot is light as a feather, and the medium the plant is in is as dry as a bone.
Any wilted flowers, well, that's normal. Who knows how long the plant was on a shelf waiting for you? You have new buds that are getting ready to open, I think this little guy is going to be just fine as long as you don't overwater him. I would actually rather it get a little too dry, than too wet.
Roots that are too wet, are in prime conditions for rot to set in, which can kill the plant.
The hardest part of being a beginner for me, has been learning not to fuss over my plants. It sounds like this one will be hard for you too.
Welcome to the board!

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