Getting a new orchid armed with good information!
I am still a beginner but now have the confidence to try a new orchid. I must say although there are lots of phal fans out there, I do not like them at all. Every phal I have ever had I have killed in a horrible way. Not true with oncidiums and cats. I totally swore off phals, but today came home with a huge phal with 2 spikes, willing to start over with phals. First, I inspected the roots! Great, green, totally healthy! The medium was a fine-ish bark chip rather than Spag (I hate that stuff!). So the medium will need to be changed. I got out my razor knife and cut some holes in the clear pot without damaging the roots for more air flow. I will get a new pot and change the medium when the roots are white. I also noticed some moisture still in the pot-- no need to water for a few days, no rush.
So in the old days I would have watered it to death, kept lurking over it, and eventually killed it with kindness!
I did not buy a rescue. I bought a newly stocked plant, in the first few days of being in a store. Totally healthy and ready to keep growing for many years.
Thanks, Orchid Boards!
I am confident!
My name is Optimist! (Cue "Superman" music!)