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01-01-2014, 12:32 AM
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Join Date: Jun 2011
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Location: Cedar County Nebraska. Zone 4
Posts: 350
What kind of orchids can be grown in zone 4?
I know phals can be  ive got a bunch of them suckers sending up spikes right now!
the ones that I am interested in are catts, cyms, and bllra
I have only seen people grow cymbidium in cali, and am wondering what challenges i would face if i choose to grow one
I guess I just need some guidance, We dont get anuthing other than phals in the BBS here so what are your opinions?
PS Happy new year!!!

01-01-2014, 05:29 AM
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Hi Tim.
You can grow pretty much anything you have enough light and heat for. Being in that zone window sills can be pretty chilly so cool to intermediate growers sould be should be fine. Many Cymbidiums like quite a bit of light and cool temperatures. Some Cattleyas, such as C. mossiae, can handle cold but not freezing temps just fine.

01-01-2014, 08:43 AM
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I just moved from Nebraska. I feel that it is a wonderful place for orchids, very good humidity, but then I was near the River in Omaha. They have a great orchid society,, and fabulous yearly sale. I got my first orchid, an ondontobrassia from one of their sales. The oncidiums and cats would do well, they would need to go indoors for the winter. A shade house would be useful. I tacked a few to a big tree outside. I dont see why you couldnt have a potted cimbidium. The get rather large, but there are smaller types. Id say you could easily grow any intermediet temp orchids. That gives you hundreds of choices!
Last edited by Optimist; 01-01-2014 at 08:45 AM..

01-01-2014, 12:29 PM
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Options? Regarding what can be grown?
Pretty much anything you want. A lot depends upon what measures you are willing to take and where in your home or greenhouse you are thinking of growing them.
Many will require supplemental lighting -- though if you have an unobstructed SE or SW window there are quite a few chids that will do just fine without any lighting supplement.
How warm/cool will you keep your home will dictate, to a great extent, what plants will work for you.
If you winter RH is like mine -- abyssmally low -- then that will place its own limits upon you. A room humidifer may help, but often not to the degree one would like. (My winter RH is usually around 30% and that is WITH a humidifier running 24/7.) Mounted plants will typically be very high maintenance as they dry out so horribly fast if humidity is low. Catts and Phals (IME) tend to have little to no difficulty dealing with low humidity (30%). Many of the pleurothallids such as Masdevallia often seem to have big issues with low RH. Also many of the "micro" mini species will have issues with low RH (though a terrarium can work well for them).
With regards as to WHERE to get a wider variety of orchids: - There are a plethora of vendors online ... including "flea"Bay. (I would strongly caution you with regards to eBay shopping to DO YOUR HOMEWORK. Many times orchids sold by vendors there can be obtained far cheaper elsewhere. And definitely check for the sellers rating as well as checking on OB for folks' experiences.)
- The classifieds section on OB has chids from time to time. Probably be a bit slower now with the weather. I know I don't even try to sell of any of my divisions this time of year -- I prefer to do during the spring and fall when temps are not too hot or too cold).
- Orchid societies can be another source. (Members may donate plants for auction to benefit the society or may bring plants in for sale.
- Orchid shows are great places to check. Not only is there generally a very wide selection of plants, you also can really look over the plant(s) you are interested in buying.
These sites may or may not prove of value as I don't know anything about city locations in Nebraska nor their proximity to border cities in neighboring states:
Greater Omaha Orchid Society
Regional orchid show in Cedar Rapids to include hands-on workshops, judged exhibits and plant sales |


01-01-2014, 08:54 PM
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Join Date: Jun 2011
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Location: Cedar County Nebraska. Zone 4
Posts: 350
Thank you everyone for the good advice!
I am looking for a small cimbidium and a catt. Would you reccomend a mini catt? I was looking for a catt with obnoxiously loud colors, but the minis dont seem to get the beautiful colors like the full size do

01-01-2014, 10:35 PM
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I love the cats. I usually go with blc or lc because the lalia in them like dryer roots and the leaves like lots of sun (still indirect) . I have never gotten a true cat. I plan on getting a brassavola soon which is close to a cat too. Check out the cattalya alliance board...there are numerous variations.
Last edited by Optimist; 01-01-2014 at 10:41 PM..

01-02-2014, 03:00 PM
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Originally Posted by Tim P.
I am looking for a small cimbidium ...
Many of the "mini" cyms (quite subjective here as "mini" in this case indicates much smaller than a standard cym but still far larger than truly mini -- that being 6 inches or less in height when mature) do not care for temps as chilly as the standards. Some of the "mini" cym hybrids out there are actually warm growers.
Originally Posted by Tim P.
Would you reccomend a mini catt? I was looking for a catt with obnoxiously loud colors, but the minis dont seem to get the beautiful colors like the full size do.
Depends somewhat on your def of "obnoxiously loud colors". You mean like this (not my plant nor photo, btw):
Sunset Valley Orchids - Superior Hybrids for Orchid Enthusiasts
Advantages to mini catts over standards beyond their smaller size, include an often greater frequency of blooming and blooms that typically last longer.
Are you looking for a particular color or color combo?
Do keep in mind as well that "mini" can be subjective even with minicatts. As such if you have some hardline size restrictions, make sure you inquire of the vendor as to just how big the plant will eventually become. "Mini" should indicate a plant getting nor more than 6" in height upon maturity. But what many vendors will bill as "mini" get larger than that and as such should be termed a "compact" or "small" grower.

01-02-2014, 03:06 PM
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Paul is right, you can grow anything you want in your environment as long as you put your mind into it. I am a windowsill grower and I bring my plants out on the fire escape of my apartment on the warmer months and in winter my plants get warmth, humidity and supplement lighting.

01-02-2014, 09:40 PM
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actually Paul, I had something even more obnoxious in mind 
Potinara Dick Smith 'Paradise'
what do you guys think of this plant? will it be prolific and bloom twice (possibly) a year?
what i meant about the coloration in the mini catts was that the colors arent as pure as the large ones if you know what i mean... it is hard to explain.
I may try a mini catt if you guys know of one that has awesome color combos (or is just darn loud
at the end of the day i just want something I can grow and be proud of!
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