I've got this NOID Phal a couple years ago as a gift. It was gorgeous.
With time passing, it proved to be a very slower grower but still bloomed last year.
I've been checking on it regularly - is there something it needs or lacks? Light? Nutrition? Roots health?
It gets the same care if not more than the rest of the bunch except it grows only one leaf per year and is very pale. If anything, that's what is the most weird about it -its yellow leaves, even though they are firm, not wrinkly. The roots seem to be ok, not mushy, some new green tips but then again, not exploding like others.
I heard that yellow Phals are difficult to grow. There's not much info to be found on the Internet. Just another day though I came across this blog entry (excuse its occasionally strong language, please.) It talks about some generic modifciations done by breeders.
After a lengthy read - yawn.... - the bottom line seems to be, there are no true yellow and red Phals, while those that exist - may not thrive in the long term.
Plants are the Strangest People: Geneticist (Phalaenopsis cvv.), Part I
What do others think?