I have been interchanging two fertilisers both commercial brands. The first is Aquasol (N 23% P 4% K 18%) at 4g per 5 litres of water. The second is Yates Orchid Food (N 21.5% P 8.3% K 13%) at 10g per 4 litres of water. These were the strengths recommended on the packs.
I have been feeding once per week since flowering finished with two fresh waterings in between. At this time of year 3 waterings per week are sufficient though this will increase considerably when our summer arrives.
Since writing the above I have availed myself of the fertilizer PPM calculators you make available on your site. Along with the associated info you provide they are fantastic for someone with my lack of experience. Greatly appreciated.
Last edited by DennisKennedy; 11-30-2007 at 07:50 PM..
Reason: Addendum