My Beallara Marfitch Howard's Dream *finally* bloomed after taunting me with his buds for months! This is what happens when you go away on your honeymoon! Thankfully, he was considerate enough to wait until I was home to bloom, but his buds doubled in size during the time we were away. He must have loved my friend that was taking care of him! (They all loved her, I came back to four new spikes on one mini phal, this guy, and a couple new leaves on another. She has orchid magic!)
I am especially proud because this orchid sulked for weeks after I changed his potting media over the summer. I thought he was going to give up and die on me. And now this! This is the first orchid I have bloomed on my own
He had a taller spike, but the weight of his buds caused him to lean into one of the lights they are under and it burned his spike and killed the upper part.
Still, I am happy with what I have!
Pictures attached (my cat was playing with the zip tie that is holding him up against the pole. He is floppy because he wrinkled his pbulbs a while back and lost a lot of basal support..heh!! ^^; )