Hello everyone
Firstly, thanks to everyone for lots of information - I've been reading a lot of the forum posts over the last few months.
I am relatively new to keeping plants, and a total newbie to orchids, though I'm doing lots of reading and hopefully plenty of learning.
I've been given the remnants of a Phal which took some severe frost damage (broken heating whilst the owner was on holiday). Subsequently it's lost all its roots and all but one small leaf.
I'm not expecting it to survive, but would like to give it a good try whilst it seems to be hanging on. If it's going to try and survive, I'll sure as hell give it a hand if I can.
It's been given to me in a clear pot nestled between pebbles - no moss, bark or other substrate at all. I've been told to give it a regular trickle of water.
However, I bow to your superior knowledge. Should I use something a little more...well...soft? I was considering moss or bark but didn't know if this would actually keep it too damp and restrict root growth?
I've given the little mite a bath in home-made food (sugar/alcohol/epsom salts/etc) and rinsed in water. I have immediate access to a coconut-husk-based potting medium (very light/aerated) and am happy to order in anything suggested.
Any advice gratefully received