Oncidium " this and that " its called
This is one of those 50/50 chances for survival. I raise Oncidiums and mine do like to be root bound in the pot. When I repot an Oncidium, it would have been in its pot for at least two years. Sometimes at repotting I divide the plant so that each new division has at least three psuedobulbs.
The reason I mentioned a minimum of three bulbs to new division is that the pbulbs not only help anchor the plant but they also provide sustenance to the new growth. I hope you did not pay too much for this plant, as the person who sold it to you should have known better than to give you less plant to ensure viability. I do not mean to be harsh, your plant should survive and grow, but it would have had an easier time growing if it came equipped with more pbulbs.
Last edited by MattWoelfsen; 11-21-2013 at 09:13 AM..