Please help identifying unknown Orchid type. It keeps growing leaves and no flowers!
I inherited an orchid from a friend before she moved. The orchid has large, very thick, round/heart-shaped leaves. I have looked online for an orchid with leaves like this but haven't seen anything similar. I'm hoping someone can help me identify this orchid type.
She had the orchid for at least 2 years and I never saw it bloom. I have now had it since March 2013. It grew 4 new leaves in early spring, and it is growing several new ones right now (11/2013).
The leaves near the base clearly have some sun damage. From what I can tell the root system is fairly strong. But strong enough to grow flowers? I don't know.
It sits in a south facing window with a full day of direct or indirect light at all times. I live in Denver, so a very dry climate.
This is my only orchid, and truthfully I know nothing about them. Ultimately, I would like this orchid to bloom flowers. I'm considering cutting down the stems to beef up the root system and moving it to a different window where it would get full indirect light all day, with more temperature variation.
I would really appreciate your help! I've attached some pics of the leaves, root system, and new shoots/leaves.
Last edited by; 11-19-2013 at 10:56 PM..
Reason: More thorough title